<This is a weekly recap of the goings-on in my professional life – to keep track of what I’m doing and to give you a peek at what it’s like being an independent creative.
This week I wanted to set a new goal to work towards and just generally figure out what to do next, but everything surrounding me moving to the new place took up all the space in my head, so I’ll defer that decision to the near future. I’ve got some money coming in so I can idle for a little while.
I was thinking the other day about the ol’ saying ‘time is money’, but I realize for me, as a freelancer, it’s mostly the reverse – money equals more free time, the stretching out of my independance.
The good people at Gamesys contacted me to do more illustrations for them, and I’m having fun with it. Their mascot is really turning into a fleshed out little character.
I also tinkered with Unity a bit, trying out Ben Esposito’s first-person drifter package for a project I want to do, and considering whether it would be doable for me to make a 3D game. And I think it is. I would only need geometry, and even with my limited 3D skills I think I could pull that off for a short game. I just can’t shake the feeling that that particular story needs to be in a first-person perspective.
In this lull of a week I decided to take the time to clean my server up a bit. I had originally started out with my first comic at dinerdate.net, and then over the years added on more domains using the same hosting account. As such, my portfolio site was a subfolder on that account, which didn’t make a lot of sense. Plus I hadn’t touched dinerdate in about 5 years? So it was time to drop that resource-hogging wordpress install and database, and reorganize the file tree. And everything seems to work still! It’s a miracle.
As a send-off, here is a small selection of my favorite strips from dinerdate.